Beacon Investment Advisors LLC

How are you paid?
We are fee only advisors. We provide you with our disclosure document outlining our fee structure at the inception of our engagement. Our only compensation comes from the fee we charge based on the value of the assets placed under our management. Our fee is agreed-upon in the Investment Advisory Agreement we enter into with you. You receive a copy of our fee invoice every quarter.

What are your account minimums?
Our minimum relationship is currently $250,000 of assets under management. Our clients understand that we cannot be all things to all people.

Do you work for Fidelity?
No. We are an independent federally registered investment advisory firm. Fidelity Investments serves as the custodian of our clients' accounts.
Registration of an investment advisor does not imply a certain level of skill or training.

Can you take my money and "head to Mexico"?
No. All of your investments are housed by the "custodian" of your assets, Fidelity Investments. We recommend that all of our clients establish their accounts with Fidelity Investments, one of the world's largest mutual fund and brokerage firms.

Do you require discretionary trading authority over the accounts?
We recommend that our clients allow us full discretion over the investments they entrust to our management. Discretion allows us to efficiently and effectively manage your accounts. We believe that our time is best spent working on our clients' portfolios.

How can I work with Beacon Investment Advisors LLC?
Interested potential clients may contact us at
(301) 670-1700 or click here for additional contact information. We welcome the opportunity to speak with you.